Excel's Offset Function: Easily Understand It! (2025)

By Chris Newman•Updated: 11/15/22•7 min read

Excel » Excel Formulas

Excel's Offset Function: Easily Understand It! (1)

Overview Of The OFFSET function

Welcome to my tutorial on one of Excel's powerful and versatile functions - OFFSET! Excel's OFFSET function is a dynamic formula that allows you to retrieve data from a range of cells based on a specified reference point. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, mastering the OFFSET function opens up a world of possibilities to create dynamic and interactive spreadsheets.

In this article, we'll delve into the ins and outs of the OFFSET function, exploring its syntax, practical applications, and real-world examples to help you harness its potential and take your Excel skills to the next level. So let's dive in and unlock the magic of OFFSET!


The OFFSET() function does just what its name says it does, it offsets! It does this by getting a user-defined starting point and either moving or expanding from that starting point. I find this most helpful in dealing with data that is organized by a timestamp (i.e. by month, by quarter, by year, etc…) where you may want to reference a new column every month.

Excel's Offset Function: Easily Understand It! (2)
ReferenceRequiredThis is your starting point
RowsRequiredThe number of rows you want to move away from your starting point. A positive number moves to the right and a negative number moves to the left
ColsRequiredThe number of columns you want to move away from your starting point. A positive number moves to the right and a negative number moves to the left
HeightOptionalThe number of rows (up or down) you want to expand your range (a positive number expands downward and a negative number expands upward)
WidthOptionalThe number of rows (up or down) you want to expand your range (a positive number expands downward and a negative number expands upward)

We will make our starting point Cell B2 (highlighted in yellow) in the below examples:

Excel's Offset Function: Easily Understand It! (3)

Example 1) =OFFSET($B$2,4,0)

From our starting point (B2), we moved down 4 rows and 0 columns to return Cell B6 or “Widget D”. Since we are just trying to target 1 cell value we do not want to use the optional Height and Width parameters as this will give us an error.

Example 2) =OFFSET($B$2,0,2)

Excel's Offset Function: Easily Understand It! (5)

From our starting point (B2), we moved down 0 rows and to the right 2 columns to return Cell D2 or “Sales Price”. Since we are just trying to target 1 cell value we do not want to use the optional Height and Width parameters as this will give us an error.

Example 3)=OFFSET($B$2,4,3)

Excel's Offset Function: Easily Understand It! (6)

From our starting point (B2), we moved down 4 rows and to the right 3 columns to return Cell E6 or “$130”. Since we are just trying to target 1 cell value we do not want to use the optional Height and Width parameters as this will give us an error.

Example 4)=SUM(OFFSET($E$3,0,0,5))

Excel's Offset Function: Easily Understand It! (7)

Now I have changed the starting point on you. We are now starting on Cell E3. This time I want to use the OFFSET function to be a part of a summation formula. This means in order to adjust our range we are going to want to use those optional parameters. We are not going to adjust the position of our starting point but we do want to add to it. So we will set our Rows and Cols parameters to zero and adjust our Height parameter down to a total of 5 cells. We can then wrap the SUM() function around our offset range to add up all the cells in our range. Here are a few other ways we could highlight the same range in this example using the range function:

  • =SUM(OFFSET($E$7,0,0,-5))
  • =SUM($E$3:OFFSET($E$3,4,0))
  • =SUM($E$3:OFFSET($B$2,5,3))

All these formulas will return the value $405

Possible Errors You Might See With Offset

When working with the OFFSET function in Excel, it's essential to be aware of potential errors that may occur while writing the formula. Understanding these errors will help you troubleshoot and rectify issues in your spreadsheets. Here are some common errors associated with the OFFSET function:

  • #VALUE! Error: This error often arises when one or more arguments in the OFFSET function are not valid. For example, if the reference cell is non-numeric or contains an error value, Excel will return #VALUE! This error can also occur if the specified height or width argument results in a negative value.
  • #REF! Error: The #REF! error indicates that the OFFSET function refers to a cell outside the worksheet's boundaries. It typically happens when the specified row or column offset exceeds the available cells.
  • #NUM! Error: The #NUM! error occurs when the OFFSET function is given incorrect or invalid numeric values. For instance, if the height or width arguments result in a value that exceeds the number of available cells in the referenced range.
  • Circular Reference Error: When the OFFSET function creates a circular reference, Excel will display a circular reference error. This situation happens if the function refers to a cell that ultimately relies on its own value, leading to an infinite loop.
  • Range Overlap Error: Another common mistake is overlapping the OFFSET function's range with other formulas or data. This could cause unexpected results or lead to a formula that is not functioning as intended.
  • Incorrect Syntax: Typos or improper syntax in the OFFSET function can also cause errors. It's crucial to pay attention to parentheses, commas, and other arguments to ensure the formula is written correctly.
  • Volatile Function: The OFFSET function is volatile, which means it recalculates whenever there is a change in the worksheet, even if the change is unrelated to the function itself. Overusing volatile functions can slow down the performance of large spreadsheets.

To avoid these errors, double-check your formulas for accuracy, validate the referenced cells, and consider using other non-volatile alternatives like INDEX and MATCH for specific scenarios. Additionally, always ensure that the formula references stay within the worksheet's boundaries and that the arguments are appropriate for your data set.

Offset Function Practice Examples

Hopefully, now you are able to understand the functionality of the Offset function but you still might be wondering how to use it! Well, I have put together an Excel workbook that will show you a few different ways I have used Offset in my analytical work over the years. So go ahead, download the workbook, and start thinking of ways that you can incorporate this function into your spreadsheets!

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Chris Newman

Chris is a finance professional and Excel MVP recognized by Microsoft since 2016. With his expertise, he founded TheSpreadsheetGuru blog to help fellow Excel users, where he shares his vast creative solutions & expertise. In addition, he has developed over 7 widely-used Excel Add-ins that have been embraced by individuals and companies worldwide.

Excel's Offset Function: Easily Understand It! (2025)


Excel's Offset Function: Easily Understand It!? ›

The OFFSET function in Excel returns a cell or range of cells that is a given number of rows and columns from a given cell or range. The first 3 arguments are required and the last 2 are optional. All of the arguments can be references to other cells or results returned by other formulas.

Why not to use offset Excel? ›

Spreadsheet gurus hate OFFSET because it is a volatile function. If you go to a completely unrelated cell and enter a number, all of the OFFSET functions will calculate. Even if that cell has nothing to do with H1 or B2.

How does offset match work in Excel? ›

MATCH looks for a value and returns the row number of the found value to the OFFSET function. And the OFFSET function returns the cell content of a corresponding cell in the same row as the found value.

What is the offset function in Excel for dynamic calculations? ›

The OFFSET formula in Excel is a powerful tool that helps you reference cells or ranges by specifying a starting point and moving a certain number of rows and columns. This makes managing large datasets or tables much easier, as you can create formulas that automatically adjust as your data changes.

How does sum offset work? ›

Since OFFSET( ) returns a cell (or a range of cells), it can be easily combined with other functions such as SUM( ), MIN( ), MAX( ), AVERAGE( ), etc. For example, SUM(OFFSET( )) calculates the sum of the cell (or range of cells) returned by the OFFSET( ) function.

What is the offset function in Excel for dummies? ›

The OFFSET function in Excel returns a cell or range of cells that is a given number of rows and columns from a given cell or range. The first 3 arguments are required and the last 2 are optional. All of the arguments can be references to other cells or results returned by other formulas.

What is the benefit of offset function in Excel? ›

The purpose of using the OFFSET function is to find the value of the cell whose starting point is known. This function is specifically helpful in cases where the dataset is regularly updated. The OFFSET function is a part of the Lookup and Reference functions of Excel.

What is the difference between Xlookup and offset? ›

The Excel XLookup Function if used right, allows you to look in one row, and to return the result set from a different row, different tab, or even a different workbook. The term for that is “Offset“. Offsetting is so useful that there is an Excel that strictly, does this, it is the Offset Function.

What is the difference between offset and INDEX function? ›

While the OFFSET function moves from the starting point by a certain number of rows and/or columns, INDEX finds a cell at the intersection of a particular row and column.

What is the error in offset function in Excel? ›

If the rows and cols argument values move the formula past the edge of the worksheet, OFFSET returns the #REF! error, which means that the reference is invalid.

What is dynamic offset? ›

A Dynamic Offset is a special kind of dimension line with at least one end anchored to another drawing object or survey object. This kind of offset is dynamic because it automatically updates itself as the anchor objects change. Dynamic offsets are used to show lot line setbacks (offsets) on a map.

What is sumproduct in Excel? ›

The SUMPRODUCT function returns the sum of the products of corresponding ranges or arrays. The default operation is multiplication, but addition, subtraction, and division are also possible.

What is the indirect and offset function in Excel? ›

The INDIRECT and OFFSET are Volatile functions, that cause recalculation of the formula in the cell where it resides every time Excel recalculates. In workbooks with large data sets and lots of formulas, adding a volatile function can make the worksheet feel sluggish.

How does an offset work? ›

The goal of offsetting is to reduce an investor's net position in an investment to zero so that no further gains or losses are experienced from that position. In business, an offset refers to the generation of gains in one business unit that makes up for losses in another unit.

What is the offset match function in Excel? ›

The MATCH function can be used to find the position of a value in a singe row or column range. This is used to find the position (or row number) of the value you are looking up in the necessary column. The OFFSET function can be used to locate the corresponding cell in any column by offsetting from its column heading.

How does the offset command work? ›

Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel curves. You can offset an object at a specified distance or through a point. After you offset objects, you can trim and extend them as an efficient method to create drawings containing many parallel lines and curves.

Is offset volatile in Excel? ›

It is well-known that Excel's OFFSET function is volatile and will cause recompute and therefore Excel will bother the user with asking to save any loaded file having such function even when the user made no actual changes. It is also pretty well-known that this can be worked around using non-volatile INDEX function.

Why is offset so slow? ›

When performing an OFFSET LIMIT query, the database has no idea which pages the first set of rows reside on. As a result, the database retrieves OFFSET + LIMIT number of rows and removes the unnecessary data in memory. As the offset increases, the database needs to query more data, hence affecting the performance.

Is index faster than offset? ›

In our table, the VLOOKUP formula calculated in 2.3 seconds, INDEX MATCH in 2.6 seconds, OFFSET and MATCH in 2.7 seconds, and XLOOKUP in 3.3 seconds. As you see, the calculation speed increases significantly compared to ranges.


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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.