How Many Movies Are There Of Svinalängorna (2010)

1. Svinalängorna • FILMFEST HAMBURG

  • Svinalängorna. Film type: Fiction Feature. Original language: Swedish. Section: Agenda 10 | FF2010. Production country: Sweden. Produced: 2010. Runtime: 95 min.

  • A morning just before christmas, Leena, 34, receives a phone call from a hospital in her childhood hometown telling her that her mother is dying. This news takes her on a journey to face her mother for the first time in her adult life. Leena has faught all her life to let go of her grief over her lost and dark childhood. She is now forced to deal with her past to be able to move on.

2. Beyond (2010) directed by Pernilla August • Reviews, film + cast

  • Svinalängorna or Beyond is a Swedish-Finnish drama starring Noomi Rapace, Ola Rapace, Outi Mäenpää, Ville Virtanen, young actress Tehilla Blad and her little ...

  • One morning just before Christmas, Leena receives a phone call from a hospital in her childhood hometown telling her that her mother is dying. This news takes her on a journey to face her mother for the first time in her adult life. Leena has fought all her life to let go of her grief over her lost and dark childhood. She is now forced to deal with her past to be able to move on.

3. Movie Svinalängorna - Cineman

  • Unfortunately the program is not yet known for this day. Please check back again at a later date. Now in the cinema 6 from 52 Movies ...

  • Svinalängorna:

4. Svinalängorna (Movie, 2010) -

  • Svinalängorna (2010) · Genre: Drama · Duration: 99 minuten · Alternative title: Beyond · Country: Sweden / Denmark / Finland / Norway · Directed by: Pernilla August.

  • Drama movie directed by Pernilla August. With Noomi Rapace, Ola Rapace and Tehilla Blad.

5. Svinalängorna – Movie details – Nordische Filmtage Lübeck

6. Beyond (2010) - SFdb

  • Svinalängorna. Långfilmsmanus efter Susanna Alakoskis roman med samma namn av Marianne Persson Thomas Forsberg i samarbete med regissören Pernilla August.

  • A morning just before Christmas, Leena, 34, receives a phone call from a hospital in her childhood hometown telling her that her mother is dying. This news takes her on a journey to face her...

7. Svinalängorna Blu-ray (Sweden)

  • Svinalängorna Blu-ray Release Date August 10, 2011. Blu-ray reviews, news, specs, ratings, screenshots. Cheap Blu-ray movies and deals.

8. Svinalängorna (film, 2010) -

  • Tijdens kerst wordt Leena gebeld door het ziekenhuis dat haar moeder op sterven ligt. Ze gaat eropuit om haar moeder voor het eerst in haar volwassen…

9. Svinalängorna (Beyond) (2010) Film. Director: Pernilla August | teeterboard

  • 19 mrt 2013 · For Leena, who has chosen to pursue normality at any cost, lying to herself and to the others, this is the last chance to face the dark world ...

  • A happy family on a feast morning. The young mother, Leena, suddenly receives a phone call warning her that her mother has been hospitalized in very serious condition. Against her will, the husband…

10. Beyond - Rotten Tomatoes

11. Beyond (Svinalängorna) | Where to watch streaming and online in the UK

  • Beyond (Svinalängorna) · Directed by Pernilla August · 67% · Drama · Award Winner.

  • How to watch online, stream, rent or buy Beyond (Svinalängorna) in the UK + release dates, reviews and trailers. Swedish drama set in the 1970s, about a young woman's dramatic childhood and her struggle to forget it.

12. Beyond | film by August [2010] | Britannica

  • 17 dec 2024 · Svinalängorna (2010; Beyond), in which she portrayed a woman who must come to terms with her past as the abused daughter of alcoholic parents.

  • Other articles where Beyond is discussed: Noomi Rapace: …with her in Svinalängorna (2010; Beyond), in which she portrayed a woman who must come to terms with her past as the abused daughter of alcoholic parents. Notable among Rapace’s other movies was the bleak Danish picture Daisy Diamond (2007), in which she starred as an aspiring actress and single…

13. Svinalängorna (2010) - Flixboss: De beste films op Netflix

  • Film. Tijdens kerst wordt Leena gebeld door het ziekenhuis dat haar moeder op sterven ligt. Ze gaat eropuit om haar moeder voor het eerst in haar volwassen ...

  • Svinalängorna is beschikbaar op Netflix Nederland. Tijdens kerst wordt Leena gebeld door het ziekenhuis dat haar moeder op sterven ligt. Ze gaat eropuit om haar moeder voor het eerst in haar volwassen leven te ontmoeten.

14. We won!!! - Svinalängorna (2010) Discussion - MovieChat

  • ... film says it all. I'll have to find a way of seeing this film. I'm a big fan of Noomi Rapace. She is a phenomenal actress. There are several foreign films I ...

  • Beyond and Pernilla August won the 25th Critic's week at the Venice Film Festival. This is just fantastic and I am glad to be a part of such a great team.

    Congratulations to you all!!!!!


15. Statistieken van Svinalängorna (Film, 2010) - MovieMeter

  • 49e in Top 50 beste films uit 2010 · 95e in Top 100 beste films op Netflix. Stemhistorie. Data. Voor het eerst in de bioscoop: 19 januari 2012. Deze film is te ...

  • Alle statistieken en feiten, zoals stemhistorie en release datums voor bioscoop en koop op DVD en Blu-Ray.

16. Svinalängorna (2010) - The Movie Database

  • SVINALÄNGORNA är baserad på den August-prisbelönade romanen med samma namn av Susanna Alakoski. Noomi Rapace spelar huvudrollen, i sin första film efter ...

  • En gripande, vacker och mörk historia om en ung kvinnas konfrontation med sina minnen från en trasslig och dramatisk barndom, om hennes sorg över sin förlorade barndom och kampen om att våga går vidare. SVINALÄNGORNA är baserad på den August-prisbelönade romanen med samma namn av Susanna Alakoski. Noomi Rapace spelar huvudrollen, i sin första film efter succéfilmatiseringen av Stieg Larsson trilogin, och hon spelar mot Ola Rapace. Pernilla August debuterar som långfilmsregissör.

17. Top 20 Beste Films 2010 op Netflix (januari 2025) -

  • Bekijk de top 20 beste films uit 2010 op Netflix in Nederland, gesorteerd op IMDb ... Svinalängorna (2010). IMDb 7.0. Svinalängorna (2010) · drama ...

  • Bekijk de top 20 beste films uit 2010 op Netflix in Nederland, gesorteerd op IMDb-score. Compleet met Netflix-informatie, trailers en meer!

How Many Movies Are There Of Svinalängorna (2010)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.